Feb 22, 2017: We’re Not Anti-Immigrant | Anne Frank Fraud | RNC Rakes it In

Anne Frank Center - Red for the Blue Newsletter

1. Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants… Emphasis on Illegal

The Red Media frequently portrays immigrants as violent welfare cheats. But the emphasis has shifted in the wake of Trump’s announcement yesterday of stricter enforcement of immigration laws and his intention to hire more border patrol agents.

Red Media yesterday was at pains to point out that they are not against all immigrants, just illegal immigrants. They argued that President Obama had clandestinely shifted our immigration policies by not enforcing what was on the books: As National Review explained, “In a fundamental shift from Obama, the Trump position is that simply being an illegal alien is unlawful and serious; thus, any additional indication of outlaw behavior is sufficient to warrant deportation.” 

Liberal fury is nonsensical from this point of view. After all, as Rush Limbaugh emphasized, the Right just wants the laws -- as already exist -- enforced:

“This is just American law being enforced on the books, United States statutory law that — laws, I should more properly say — which have been ignored for years and years. So step one is simply enforcement of existing law. And again the thing, folks, there’s no surprise here. This is exactly what Trump said he was going to do. Nothing new. Nothing shocking. The only reason it’s shocking is because the left can’t believe anybody would actually do it.”

2. Anne Frank Fraud: The Goldstein Indictment

After months of criticism, both the President and his daughter addressed reports of rising anti-Semitism. Much to the frustration of the Red Media, their efforts were immediately shot down as inadequate. Many responses on Twitter ran along the lines of “C’mon, this guy has a Jewish daughter and son-in-law” and “Hasn’t he done enough already?”

But particular ire was aimed at Steve Goldstein the director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, who, in widely quoted remarks, dismissed the President’s words as “a Band-Aid on the cancer of anti-Semitism” fomented by his own administration. This critical story from the Jewish Journal was picked up by Red Media:

"But executive director Steven Goldstein is not a Holocaust expert, and the Anne Frank Center (a separate group independent of Amsterdam’s Anne Frank House) is not a serious player in the world of Holocaust memory. Of late, it has become a sham organization that is largely a one-man shop to promote Goldstein’s aspirations to be, as he proclaims himself, a “civil rights leader.” Armed with a great organizational title; incendiary but ready-to-print quotes; and a gullible media slavishly lapping it all up.”

Why We're Watching:
Steven Goldstein is a not the most respected figure in some Jewish circles, even Left-leaning ones.

3. Terry McAuliffe Is No Hero

While liberals were cheering Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s veto of a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, the Right was predictably less enthused. The Daily Caller brought up the organization’s ample donations to his campaign:

“Elected in 2013, the Virginia Democrat has received nearly $1.9 million in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood organizations. Planned Parenthood Votes donated almost $1.2 million to McAuliffe’s 2013 campaign for governor. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund chipped in another $490,398 and Planned Parenthood Va donated $181,491, according to public filings.”

Meanwhile, the Right was also vocal about two other moves by McAuliffe yesterday: His veto, for the third straight year, of the “Tebow Bill,” which would allow home-schooled students to play public school sports, and his veto of the switchblade knife bill, which would legalize carrying a concealed switchblade knife for use in a lawful profession or recreational activity.

Lynn R. Mitchell, in her coverage of the “Tebow Bill” for conservative Virginia website Bearing Drift, wrote:

“Really, Governor? Vetoed again?... The governor has, it would appear, capitulated once again to the high school sports league and teachers’ union even though homeschool parents pay every tax dollar as parents with public school students.”

And Corey Stewart, a Conservative Republican running for Governor of Virginia, commented:

Who is sick and tired of #McAwfulhttps://t.co/bXxrckV6oZ

— Corey Stewart (@CoreyStewartVA) February 21, 2017

Christian Left-leaning blog Afreshword.org wrote:

@TerryMcAuliffe Your recent veto of the Tebow Bill has me wondering, "Does my party even want committed Christians in it?" 2/2

— AFreshWord.org (@AFreshWordOrg) February 21, 2017

4. Seeing Politics in a Spy’s Resignation

Edward Price, the veteran CIA analyst and spokesperson, was applauded by the Left for his Op-ed in The Washington Post on Monday explaining that he had resigned from the agency because of “disturbing” conduct by Steve Bannon and the Trump administration. But the Right was quick to frame him as a Hillary Clinton supporter. While Price said that his decision “had nothing to do with politics,” The Daily Caller wrote that this couldn’t be true because “FEC records showed that he donated the legal maximum of $2,700 to Hillary for America on August 21, 201i6. That same day, he gave another $2,300 to the DNC’s “Hillary Victory Fund.” Price is listed as a registered Democrat in the District of Columbia.”

Others on the Right were quick to jump on these findings and deem Price a “disgrace.”


— SSGT DISABLED VET (@bobsacard) February 21, 2017

@KelynSoong @PostOpinions
Oops! I forgot to mention I donated max $2700 Aug2016 to Hillary & $2300 to HillaryVictoryFund. CIA Edward Price

— Lacey Lance (@Asa789) February 21, 2017

5. The RNC Rakes In the Cash in a Record-Setting January

Meanwhile, Town Hall writes that the Republican National Committee will file to the Federal Election Commission saying it raised $19.8 million last month. This is the largest amount the Republican Party has ever filed in a post-presidential election month. Said the RNC chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel: “It is clear our message of bringing change to all people is resonating, and I am committed to harnessing this momentum as we continue to build on the successes we earned in 2016. The RNC has never been better equipped to champion the Republican agenda and use these resources to grow our majorities in 2018.”

Why We’re Watching:
Republicans like Jim Geraghty of National Review are already rubbing their hands together with excitement at the news that progressive primary challengers are pushing Democrats in Red States to fight Trump every step of the way and seize the mantle of populism. His piece on the topic is titled “Democrats Threaten to Eat Their Own.” Looks like the Right could have the dollars to do everything they can to make that happen.